Great Aussie Balloon Race 1993 – Dick Smith’s favourite documentary! (46 mins)

One of Dick Smith’s favourite documentaries about his record-breaking first balloon flight across Australia in 1993. (46 mins)

Dick’s favourite moment: “I can grab hold of my parachute if I’m falling off”  (3 mins)

Dick didn’t like sitting inside the balloon gondola, so he built a sundeck and placed a deck chair on it for him to sit. With speeds of 88 knots and a 18,000 feet drop, it’s clear Dick has no fear of heights.

Dick’s wife Pip was concerned. As she was flying around the balloon in a jet she told Dick to put his safety harness on – his response: “I‘m not going to fall off!”

Dick then stood up on the sundeck to have a look at a farm below. Reaching 20,900 feet, Pip added: “Don’t go and get killed now!