Video with comments about whether Dick Smith flew vertically around the world in his Twin Otter in 1988 – 1989.
Some people claim the world is flat and that Dick simply flew around in a circle.
A full copy of the book is available here where you can see the log book itinerary on pages 252 – 253. Here is the map that follows the route taken.
In the interest of freedom of the press, all comments are below the video.
Dick Smith Circumnavigated the Earth via the North and South Pole
Wolfie6020, published on 29 November 2016
This was done by Australian Adventurer in a Twin Otter in the late 80’s. I plan a more detailed video on this book in future. Our Fantastic Planet – by Dick Smith
J. Odom, 11 months ago
By admission of his own pen, Dick Smith clearly traversed the earth by making one big loop’ not around but on top of. Examine the video at the 0:40 second mark. Clearly no circumnavigation took place. It is nonsense like this that frustrates a person. It honestly makes me a bit sad that seemingly intelligent “globe earth believers” won’t truly entertain the truth of the flat earth on which we live, due to the fear of weaning themselves off of the tit of the system, and for once, just once in their lives, thinking for themselves.
Your assasin, 7 months ago
J. Odom if you examine 0:40 without being retarded you notice it’s not a picture of a globe, this is a tough one hang in there you’ll be fine, so since it’s not a picture of a globe he can’t draw a line that circumnavigates a globe however he can draw a line on a 2D projection of a globe that represents a line that circumnavigates a globe luckily he had that same idea as evidenced by that’s exactly what he did.
Stan Stevens, 6 months ago
Point well made Assasin, my thoughts exactly.
Dom Dukes, 6 months ago
J. Odom exactly but the nonchalant arrogance of the clown making this video seemingly knows he’s being dishonest to me. It’s hard to believe he or anyone could be so stupid
Dom Dukes, 6 months ago
“Your assassinine” no doubt. Take your misinformation to your mom and stay in the closet h#@+
Stan Stevens, 6 months ago
Funny how this impenetrable ice wall has actually been mapped and we have detailed maps of the continent of Antarctica… a fact conveniently ignored by the blinkered flat earthers, who are apparently also harbour homophobes.
Stan Stevens, 6 months ago
Stan Stevens, 6 months ago
Dom Dukes, 6 months ago
Stan Stevens, luckily that’s all easily verifiable so that proves the globe 100 percent. Funny that you lump all of us freethinkers together because apparently you heard someone say they think it’s an unpenetrable ice wall. You should realize that we don’t just except any theory because somebody says something and you should also realize that there is controlled opposition in the flat earth community. If we believed in the religion of the globe, we would just except something because somebody says it’s fact. To break cognitive dissonance and question a false globe reality that’s been presented as fact our whole life, you have to be a critical thinker and you don’t just believe something because somebody said so. I don’t believe for one second that there is an unpenetrable well… It’s funny how you gullible folk think everybody else thinks just like you.
Dom Dukes, 6 months ago
Stan Stevens, if the following video doesn’t make you skeptical about the globe, it’s sad to say that cognitive dissonance has got a very tight grip on you. You probably won’t even take the time to watch it. Obviously “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance” Albert Einstein. I’m sure that won’t even make you consider opening your mind though based on your previous comments. The irony is that people must maintain the height of ignorance in order to be fans of Einstein.
Stan Stevens, 6 months ago
Dom Dukes, I’ve actually seen that video and I’m not convinced. You talk about critical thinking like it’s alien to me. I rather think it’s your thinking that is flawed. I notice flat earth era have many different ideas, the ice wall just one of them. I have yet to find any hypothesis that makes any sense.
Dom Dukes, 6 months ago
Stan Stevens, I already suspected the cognitive dissonance wouldn’t allow you to even become skeptical of the globe theory even though it’s obvious that it makes no sense to make up lies to support the globe if it’s the truth. It’s just gonna take time but you’ll get there sooner or later as everyone inevitably will. Good luck friend and either way make sure to expose the criminals that own the monetary and start wars based on lies. That’s something I’m sure you’re aware of and it’s obvious that those banker families being exposed and held accountable for their crimes against humanity. I’m sure you and all sane people want to stop the baseless wars and suffering for millions of people so let’s just agree to press that truth and hopefully spread the message wide enough to make a difference.
Stan Stevens, 6 months ago
Dom Dukes, I don’t think you quite understand the concept of cognitive dissonance. I would only have dissonance if the video made any sense as it would be at odds with what I know. The video is ridiculous and does not challenge what I and countless others know to be true. Show this to any pilot or seaman and they will collapse on the floor laughing! And what’s with this constant accusations of lies! The fact that the earth is a globe has been proven time and time again in so many different ways even photos from space! But then again you will still call all this evidence conspiracy and lies and retreat into your own little fantasy world of the flat earth (you’d love the Terry Pratchett novels).
Dom Dukes, 6 months ago
Stan Stevens, ok stand, I didn’t understand, you’re the man…. you got it buddy. You’re an intelligent Stan that is in agreement with the 99 percentile so you’re probably right. The general population is well informed and very wise and even if you 99% are wrong, at least you’ll fit in so… I think you’re probably right. The ruling elite care about the masses so of course the 99% is being well informed and educated to understand what reality and nature are and how to truly be empowered with knowledge. The ruling elite arm you with the truth because they love and care for you and they really do want a well informed population that’s capable of critical thinking and is willing to question their authority so that they can become better people and learn from their mistakes. I’m sorry for doubting you bro. You’ve enlightened me. thank you
Dom Dukes, 6 months ago
Stan Stevens I should’ve known the whole time that the illogical is logical and sanity is insanity. Of course water sticks to a spinning ball and earth is moving at millions of miles per hour right now as we speak and we don’t feel anything. That’s obviously the logical perspective and I really do appreciate you opening my mind to help me see that the laws of physics are absolutely incorrect as well as all of my life experience. I was foolish to have ever even considered trusting my own senses. I can’t thank you enough
Dom Dukes, 6 months ago
Stan Stevens, it’s just so amazing to know that we are moving hundreds of times faster than a speeding bullet right now. Wow I feel so blessed that my body is capable of withstanding moving nearly as fast as the speed of light. Truly amazing. Logic is the illogical and obviously doesn’t make any sense. That’s so amazing. Doesn’t it feel great to know that we are moving hundreds of times faster than a speeding bullet through space right now? Just wow this planet and life is so amazing. It’s like tens of millions miles per hour when you combine all the different motions and directions that our beautiful planet earth is moving right now. I just can’t stop thanking you for enlightening me and making me understand that logic is illogical. I see the light
Stan Stevens, 6 months ago
LOL, Dom, if your thinking was as sharp as your sarcasm you’d realise how ludicrous the FE hypothesis is.
Dom Dukes, 6 months ago
Stan Stevens, what do you mean? That’s what I said. Obviously FE is ludicrous!!! I just told you that you’ve enlightened me and I realize that we are now moving hundreds of times faster than a speeding bullet right now as we are commenting!!! Doesn’t that make you feel really special?!?! Think about it. In reality, water cannot curve and stick to a spinning ball but on this amazing planet that we live on, IT DOES!!!! We’re on an amazing magical spinning ball that can defy the laws of physics!! Gravity is magical. It’s so magical that it knows to allow water to evaporate and escape gravity so that it can rain down and water are beautiful plants and trees that have developed out of nothing but a extremely tiny condensed ball smaller than a marble that exploded at a temperature beyond your imagination and developed all the life on this amazing planet! Look at that! We have mountains, trees, you and me, all developed out of a tiny extremely condensed piece of matter that exploded. Please do not upset me by thinking that I am being sarcastic. I have just become enlightened I mean really stan really reality really is exactly the opposite of what my senses and a life experience has been telling me for this whole 38 years that I’ve been alive!!! You are so intelligent and you literally just made me understand that earth defies the laws of physics. Water does not even have to find its own level on earth. It’s so magical. I cannot believe that I would not have been able to see that if it wasn’t for you blessing my life that is going to be so beautiful and with such a clear perspective all because you just told me how magical this spinning ball that’s moving millions of miles per hour and allows us to walk around comfortably without even feeling so much as a burst of wind. You are truly a blessing and your wisdom is something that one in maybe 1 billion people are lucky enough to have. If it wasn’t for wise men like you, nobody on earth would have ever been able to understand that the planet earth is capable of defying the laws of physics. My hat is off to you stan
Dom Dukes, 6 months ago
Stan Stevens I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if the next thing that I found out was that transvestites are competing in professional women’s sports. It’s like everything is the exact opposite of what it seems like it should be. It’s like inversion of reality is reality. Im so amazed Stan
Dom Dukes, 6 months ago
Stan Stevens, why would you even say that was sarcastic? That is all true fax according to you. Are you telling me that everything I mentioned isn’t true?
Stan Stevens, 6 months ago
Yes, sarcasm.
Dom Dukes, 6 months ago
Stan Stevens, it’s all things you believe are true. Literally.
Stan Stevens, 6 months ago
Dom Dukes, I trust them to be true, you do not.
Dom Dukes, 6 months ago
Stan Stevens, I suggest you learn what the Tavistock institute is and what it does. Don’t just look at their website. Look up documents going back to its inception and you will find out that their intention is to figure out how to brainwash the world. They have successfully done that to the point where they can make the large majority of the population believe things that are exactly opposite of truth and make no sense. Pretty amazing
Stan Stevens, 6 months ago
Yet more conspiracy bulls@#%.
Dom Dukes, 6 months ago
Stan Stevens lmao “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance“ Albert Einstein. Thank you for allowing me to get advice from a great mind like yours
Stan Stevens, 6 months ago
If it thinks like an idiot and talks like an idiot then it’s a conspiracy theorist. Keep good stock of your tin foil. I don’t have to investigate bulls@#$ to know it’s bulls@#$, I’m no Einstein but I’m sure Einstein would agree with me on this one. Besides, I did actually have a look at them avoiding their own web site. The conspiracy ideas are ridiculous.
Dom Dukes, 6 months ago
Stan Stevens, you “don’t have to investigate“… Enough said
Stan Stevens, 6 months ago
I also said I did have a look so I did investigate confirming that I needn’t have bothered investigating. 😛
Dom Dukes, 6 months ago
Stan Stevens, right right you really do have a beautiful mind
dragonore2009, 1 year ago
Perhaps you might be interested in Mike Horn who is currently making the trip from pole to pole.
Michael Dunlavey, 1 year ago
Duane: I just received a copy of the book. It’s beautiful, full of awesome pictures, travelogue, and flight log. Here’s a scan of the map that summarizes his wandering about Antarctica:
Tyler Wood, 7 months ago
Duane Hayes, but you flat earth f@#$tards would believe that wind is made by trees shaking their limbs if it fit your agenda
Tyler Wood, 4 months ago
justame smith, I have s@#$ for brains. I can’t do math. I don’t understand perspective. I don’t believe in satellites even though I can see them. I don’t understand rudimentary physics. I’m a flat earth f@#$tard clown
Dogon Backwards, 4 months ago
Duane Hayes, yet you probably believe the bible! LMAO
Capt’Wes Starwind, 3 months ago
A book. A flattards worst nightmare.
Andy Murr, 2 months ago
In the book it says he didn’t actually fly over Antarctica from one side to the other. Just flew to those point. Which says so much.
reverberate methods, 1 year ago
This man didn’t journey 360 degree circle. It’s not a circumnavigation without covering 360 degrees without deviation. With our current technology, there’s no excuse for not covering a 360 degree circle without deviating off course. This man traveled west and south and west and south…you get it. Not a circumnavigation! But you’ll denounce my words by mere ignorance of actual logic. I feel sorry for you globies! By the way, I’m not a flat earther…But I do know the globe is WRONG!
Wolfie6020 Wolfie6020, 1 year ago
+reverberate methods. Why do you think I will denounce your words? You are right, he did not do 360 degrees without deviation. I am not aware of any aircraft that has the range to do that presently. Many refueling stops are required. Have you looked into Pan Am Flight 50 or this one which holds the current world record for circumnavigation via the poles.
reverberate methods, 1 year ago
Look. With all respect to your post. I find that it is technologically possible to do a perfect 360 circumnavigation, or something very close to it. Again, I don’t believe in the globe model, I don’t believe in the concave model, and I certainly think that flat earthers have some great points, their model is laughably wrong. Where does that leave me? I’m at a loss. So I think it’s upsetting that the argument of the shape of the earth could be easily proven or disproven by doing a pole to pole 360 that will leave no questions, and no one seems to be willing to do this. I respect your video and posting, it’s just that I’m interested in pushing the agenda of a true circumnavigation so I can be the nerd I am without being on a fence. I’m fascinated by the points everyone fro all sides is making, but the whole negative element is bothersome. A 360 circumnavigation certainly could be broadcast live if circumnavigation over a sphere is a factual possibility. The evidence whatever it is must be credible, so to establish fact from fiction. NASA could easily accomplish this circumnavigation since flat earthers challenge them all the time, calling them fake. Respectfully, there’s no excuse for this 360 circumnavigation to be left on the table for debate. It can be done. If NASA can go through the van allen radiation belt and have satellites up there, they could shut up any doubters and internet revolutionists. I only replied to your post cuz I’ve been looking for many months over videos and research online of any true 360 circumnavigation, and I’m beginning to question if it’s possible. Nothing so far would be able to be held as true, but merely only considered a theory at best. Delete this reply if you wish, but my only intent is to constructively raise such points. Why the heck does NASA or some other agency not just go ahead and do a 360 circumnavigation?
Wolfie6020 Wolfie6020, 1 year ago
reverberate methods. No I don’t delete replies and you are more than welcome to express your opinion here. The only replies I have ever deleted are those with numerous obscenities and even then I give them the chance to edit the post first. I don’t have an issue with people having different points of view or expressing their opinions here. Personally, I am 100% confident that I know the shape of the Earth, not because NASA told me. Not because I read it in a book but because my job requires me to fly all around the Earth and I can do that with pin point accuracy using flight plans based on a Globe. I was a nerdy teenager and used to write my own flight planning programs before most people knew what a personal computer was. I know exactly how the math works and it is not rigged because I wrote it myself. It matches the real Earth I fly over. I don’t ask you to take my word for it, I respect you have to verify everything yourself but I am simply sharing my point of view on it. For me there is zero doubt. I am 100% certain of it being a Globe. We can absolutely fly 360 degrees around the Earth. It is entirely possible and I keep hoping somebody will fund that trip because I would love to do it as a pilot. I have even offered to contribute $10,000 myself to a South Pole Fly over, in addition to my services as pilot for free. Transpolar 08 chose that route to achieve the goal in the shortest possible time but really we can take any route you want. Why doesn’t NASA or anyone do it and make a big fuss over it? Because 99.9% of the population would not care. They already accept the globe and it would not even make 2 minutes on a major News Network We can absolutely do it though. I hope I have the chance before I retire
Richard Jones, 1 year ago
wolfie6020, are you calling Admira Richard Byrd a BS artist??? just a question
Lahbreca, 1 year ago
reverberate methods, The simple reason for why there is no 360 degree 100 percent straight circumnavigation is no one has asked for it really, and no one has needed it. Every human action takes place within constraints of limited time and limited resources. And those constraints most of the time make trying to achieve the utmost highest possible degree of accuracy less desirable. Every action is a value judgement between accuracy and resource management – and very, VERY rarely, if ever, is it useful to just go full 100 percent accuracy and no resource-effectiveness at all. If start a Youtube channel, let’s say, people are not asking for 360 degree 8K video at 60 frames per second in 3d with olfactory data included. Which means that maybe you will go for the more common standard of 1080p video instead Of course that leaves plenty of room for some strange person to claim your channel is fake as a consequence. But in reality every decision we make is in a fundamental way an approximation between high resolution and resource effectiveness. And that’s actually a fundamental problem of perceiving the world as an embodied entity – even AI uses low resolution models at times,, when resource effectiveness trumps fidelity in importance.
Michael Dunlavey, 1 year ago
Richard: No, the BS artists are the flatters who twist Richard Byrd’s words when he’s not around to defend himself. He said there’s a huge amount of land beyond the pole, and he was right. It’s about the size of the US.
Wolfie6020 Wolfie6020, 1 year ago
+Richard Jones. I missed this comment. Can you please show me where I even mentioned the good Admiral Byrd in this video?
RogHawk, 1 year ago
+Wolfie6020, I have been on Voysovreason’s excellent video “Flat Earth Falsities – “Flat Earth in 5 Minutes” Debunked” where I saw this comment by one of the FE believers. Avery Walters I am going to offer any one globetard a challenge. The first one to accept will be the only one to be paid the $100,000 I am offering to completely debunk the flat earth and once and for all prove the earth is round. There is only one method I will accept. Get yourself to the center of the north pole. Fly south through the center of the”continent” of Antarctica and back up the other side of the “round” earth and back to the center of the north pole. There must be continuous live feed video and audio of all flight controls and all flight indicators in the cockpit and continuous live feed video of the flight control surfaces of the aircraft. In addition, there must be continuous live feed video of the earth below the aircraft during flight and while on the ground during refueling. All live feeds must have altitude, air speed and direction for each individual camera. You must provide me, and only me, with the data links to each camera. I will open a live feed online for all to see at no charge. I am going to go out on a limb and predict that not a single globetard will accept and will have a million excuses as to why they will not or can not complete the challenge. Step up oh ye soon-to-be famous for the biggest fail EVER globetard. If you are asking yourself why don’t I do it myself, the answer is simple. IT CAN NOT BE DONE I wasn’t sure if you would be interested in this, but then saw your comment above about actually wanting to do it. Thought I would let you know!
reverberate methods, 1 year ago
I’m with you entirely! I will only state that it is a financial struggle for most people to do something like this. Unless a flat earth has a good financial position or are substantially wealthy, they would have to be sponsored. Both flat earthers and globe believers should be interested in your challenge. Either one can prove or disprove the issue at question. Unfortunately, equipment, food, travel, etc. cost money. Therefore, your challenge can only be fair if there is a means of sponsorship to allow anyone to step up to the challenge. Myself, couldn’t afford to do this at all. If I could, I would, and I’d be either a hero that proved the globe, or the man who never returned cuz I either fell of the earth or went so far into infinite plane of ice that I died or some crazy stuff like that. One way or the other, I am with you on this challenge being made, and I think it’s bold and valiant to do so. I’m merely being an advocate for something like this to realistically become something that actually happens.
Mitch Plays, 1 year ago
Wolfie6020, roghawk wants to fund the journey. Please accept his challenge. We can end this debate once and for all.
RogHawk, 1 year ago
Mitch Plays, Not quite! Just relaying what a flerfer put forth.
Red Coyote Jam Garden, 11 months ago
Wolfie, you’re full of it. Just making up BS to suit your agenda. Where do you get your scientific stats that 99.9% of people accept a globe model? Oh, that’s right, you just pulled it out of your ass like globe cultists pull everything else out, like NASA pulls out magic tricks and fake earth pics and CGI.
Red Coyote Jam Garden, 11 months ago
Michael, another globe cultist pulling BS out of his ass. There is no huge amount of land BEYOND THE POLE that has been identified already as Antarctica the size of the US.
Wolfie6020 Wolfie6020, 11 months ago
+Red Coyote Jam Garden -Beyond the Pole? That does not even make sense – please explain. From which direction?
Red Coyote Jam Garden, 11 months ago
It was Byrd who said it. You’ve seen the video of his own words. Is there an area larger than the US BEYOND THE POLE on the map of Antarctica as it is presented to us?
Eric Trumpler, 3 months ago
+Red Coyote Jam Garden, Most Explorers who go to the South Pole from the Ross Ice shelf, via McMurdo, where the pole is closest to the sea. This the so-called Western side of Antarctica. The other side, the so-called eastern side is much less explored and covers much more land mass, an area larger than the US….this is what Byrd was referring to.
Requiem4aDr3Am, 1 year ago
Nice. I’m sure flat earthers will blindly deny it and fabricate many excuses to preserve their delusion:
mdunbar008, 1 year ago
Wolfie6020, can help me out? I’m trying to find out how many stops he made to refuel and what the max range and speed of the plane were. Thank you.
Abraham Muhammad, 1 year ago
A guy in the 80’s? That’s your proof? If it’s so easy to do…why you need a guy from the 80’s? Weird. Seems to me like North and south circumnavigation is not possible considering it’s 2017 and your evidence is a book form an 80’s that no one Verify…
late larsson, 1 year ago
well he just made a circle? not Circumnavigated.
Wolfie6020 Wolfie6020, 1 year ago
+late larson. He circumnavigated the Earth via the poles. What do you define as a circumnavigation? Have you heard of Pan Am flight 50 or Transpolar08?
Darren Williams, 1 year ago
Wolfie6020, i think circumnavigation is going all the way around nt north to south
Tom Boothe, 1 year ago
+ Darren Williams – “i think circumnavigation is going all the way around north to south”. So you agree then Darren because that is exactly when he did, went all the way around except he went south to north not north to south. Same result, flew over both poles.
Darren Williams, 1 year ago
Tom Boothe, nope its impossible
Darren Williams, 1 year ago
Tom Boothe, just like a satellite zooming in on the bottom half of earth and showing buildings upside down (impossible)
Darren Williams, 1 year ago
where you at
Tom Boothe, 1 year ago
We need to set some ground rules so we both understand what we are saying Darren. So first define up and down in your own words.
Tom Boothe, 1 year ago
Well then, there are three examples of the impossible cited in this comments section alone by Wolfie6020. That you can easily verify.
Darren Williams, 1 year ago|
Tom Boothe, up is up down is down what goes up most come down going from north to south turning around and coming back is not circumnavigation
Tom Boothe, 1 year ago
So up is your head pointed at the sky and down is your feet pointed toward the earth? Does that cover your definition? And the reason that trip looks like they turned around is because the route is plotted on a flat map. Get yourself a globe and draw a straight line from Australia to South America crossing the south pole and then talk to me.
Hunter Jackson, 1 year ago
Dude flip the pages from the top!!
Michael, 11 months ago
Typical, no actual proof showing he circumnavigated from the north pole to the south pole.. The book is all about taking pictures, showing parts of Antarctica, and planes and vehicles ETC.. Yet just like with 99% of stuff done by NASA/freemasons, no proof just a bunch of pretty pictures and a guy claiming to do it… Hahahahahaha no one has ever circumnavigated the earth north to south.. I have now read about 2-3 people that have claimed to do it.. Yet each one is just a bunch of pretty pictures of pieces of Antarctica, and I did it don’t ask questions.. Which is how it is with anything to do space related.. If you even dare to question it, your a moronic lowlife with the intelligence of a 5 year old blah blah blah…. I have already came to a bunch of wolfie’s videos explaining why his videos allegedly debunking the flat earth are nothing more than wild accusations, because he has never actually looked into the flat earth.. Which is the case with the vast majority of globe believers, hell most of the time i have to teach globe believers about their own model they are trying to defend… I am more than happy to discuss this topic with anyone.. I can easily explain that most of the alleged globe earth proofs are just simple misunderstands to just flat out lies.. Like this video for instance, bunch of pretty pictures with absolutely no proof to verify he actually did what he said he did… Do you not realize that in the 80’s NASA’s budget was still massive as hell and how easy it would be to pull this off… To have made this more believable he should have taken pictures as he was flying around the whole alleged continent of Antarctica, then do a composite image.. Where he combines all the data together from all the pictures to form one massive picture.. The problem with NASA saying they do this with the alleged pictures of earth from space is the fact they incorporate duplicating clouds, continents changing sizes from year to year… Its no longer considered s composite image when you are adding in things that are not real… Taking 500 pictures then combining all the data together at the end is an official composite image, not when you are adding fake things like i said previously with the replicating clouds and the continents changing sizes and such… Like i also said, this book has no proof, just the guy claiming to circumnavigate north to south, with a bunch of pretty pictures… Not proof, people are starting to actually scrutinize NASA and are starting to see the proof they claim to have for the globe model does not exist.. Doubly the evidence for the earth being flat with real science and observations and experiments, is gargantuan… Not theoretical pseudoscience, like what astrophysics is, claiming to be real science… Wolfie do me a favor, get the distance to the moon or the sun it does not matter which.. Leave out the curvature out of the equation though, because curvature doesn’t exist. Except in NASA fish eye lens footage, or their pretty CGI paintings… No matter how much you people ridicule us call us names treat us stupid and inferior. The flat earth truth is spreading like wildfire.. I talk to people on a daily basis that tell me i have opened up their mind to the possibility the earth is flat and NASA and the other space agencies are lying, just gotta take the time to look into it… Remember though, we are all indoctrinated from the time we are children, so its not easy to break that brainwashing… It took me 2 full years, at first I thought the flat earth was the most moronic,idiotic thing i ever heard… Once i spent some time actually researching it though, i was amazed at the fact that it is the truth… Investigate the flat earth, you will become a flat earther because it is indeed a 100% fact… No matter how much these people ridicule us and call us stupid and retarded and tell us to drink bleach and commit suicide snd
cmnndr, 7 months ago
didn’t know about this one. there are four references about this expedition on the Wikipedia page, two of which are from his own book, so they’re unreliable. the other two are from a newspaper, the Sydney morning herald, that somewhat describes his journey with emphasis on the antarctic leg. what i got from that article is that he flew from Australia to the Australian antarctic territories, across the antarctic to the south pole, then up the western coast of south america to the Cayman islands. this is backed by the second source which is from the which has a photo of his plane taken on thanksgiving along with a brief mention that he brought turkey which they ate. nothing about the route, from where he was coming or where he was going. that’s basically what i found until now. what is strange is that the Sydney morning herald claims this to be “the first circumnavigation of the world via both poles.” but Guinness world of records begs to differ. it may be lack of knowledge on the part of the author. before jumping to conclusions is important to have in mind that for an expedition to be considered a N-S circumnavigation by a ruling body its enough to reach poles, make a u turn and head back the way you came. the loop doesn’t need to be spread out like the equator or the 1st and last meridian loop. it can be a one way route with loops at the poles. totally misleading. also the reason people are doing this is not to prove the earth is flat so their route path is the safest, shortest one, especially considering the elements and the risk of death at the poles. so these claims are as inconclusive as the ones that it didn’t happen. so far. if there is a flight log or something like that please share. i didn’t find anything else. heh just saw the sketches in the book. amazing. nice find. great book to have. on first sight the route is as i imagined. i hope you do a video with the book in detail.
Lucifer Tiny Tim osman, 1 year ago
Dude . This is s@#$ . A stinky book from the 80s.?!!! We need real time footage brotha . From pole to pole . You’re video makes me laugh even more then mark Sargents videos
Kel Duck, 7 months ago
I couldn’t get a FEer to watch a video that was a whole 39 seconds long without him loosing interest and making stuff up. No chance of a FEer watching anything for longer than a minute.
Swinde, 1 year ago
The fact that FEs are complaining that he just went north and turned around and went back are hilarious, and very sad at the same time. The plot is shown on a Mercator map and somehow they do not understand That North and South America is on the opposite side of the globe from Russia and China. Another FACT they ignore is that all of the continents and oceans area in square miles or kilometers are well known and ONLY can be properly represented on a sphere.
James, 1 year ago
Is old Dick a Freemason?
Kaizen Analyst, 5 months ago
Probably. Or Jesuit astronomer.
246trinitrotoluene, 1 year ago
This video shows the ice wall! hahaha checkmate globers!… right? there’s a big sheet of ice… because that can’t possible exist anywhere on a globe earth….? (quick, I need to go see some jeranism, dubay, FEA, videos to have them tell me why this means the earth is flat)
John Shackleton, 1 year ago
I can already hear the FLAT F***S saying that the great ice wall is visible at 01:47. FLATTARDS!!!!! IDIOTS!!!!!
Eric Trumpler, 5 months ago
In 1977, Pan Am flight 50 circumnavigated the earth via both poles in 54 hours. For those of you seeking the truth about the shape of the earth, anyone with $12000 to spend can book a similar flight on a privately chartered A340. This flight is scheduled for October 2018….more info on
Wolfie6020 Wolfie6020, 5 months ago
+Eric Trumpler. Thanks Eric, I was made aware of that flight in October yesterday by email also. I will make a video about it very soon.
Eric Trumpler, 5 months ago
+Wolfie: I really enjoy your calm voice of reason in the whole insanity of this flat earth discussion! That website popped out at me while I was researching Antarctic Trekkers like Mike Horn and Henry Wolsey…. I guess you haven’t gotten around to doing another feature on Dick Smith, yet….
Eric Trumpler, 5 months ago
Wolfie, are Flight plans for that Pan Am flight a matter of public record, and get you get them?…also these more recent Michael Gordillo flights?
iusuallycrash76, 3 months ago
Except for the international treaty that says with the exception of guided tours, Antarctica is a guarded off limits zone
Eric Trumpler, 3 months ago
+iusuallycrash76, There is an application process for expeditions to and across Antarctica. Lots if bureaucratic hoops to jump through, but it’s possible to go there. Mostly Antarctica protects itself by provided extremely harsh conditions for any kind of travel there, including flying. This year a group of six British ladies (nicknamed the Ice Maidens) succeeded in crossing Antarctica. But you don’t have go through the hardships they went through, just book the flight I provided the link for, and see for yourself.
Richard Jones, 1 year ago
Admiral Richard Byrd spent more time there covered more distance there and no one here believes him so what went wrong??!!
Richard Jones, 1 year ago
I remembered this also.. the photos show green mountains and valleys can you elaborate on those pics ? also centre of the north pole pic can be anywhere
Michael Dunlavey, 1 year ago
+Bill: I opened the book. I’m well into it. You say the Antarctic Treaty means nobody can go there? Excuse me – that’s typical flat-earth echo-chamber horses@#$. In fact it is under sovereignty of multiple nations, with dozens of stations, but no permission at all is required to go there. Some stations are downright unfriendly – namely the ones belonging to the US.
Bill Sterling, 1 year ago
That figures, doesn’t it!
Michael Dunlavey, 1 year ago
+Bill: Yeah. I’m American, and I’m roundly ashamed.
justame smith, 4 months ago
Michael Dunlavey, no permission to travel across the antarctic??? I’d like to see that piece of paper.
Dongfreid, 1 month ago
This guy din not cross finish line which would only mean getting basically to the OTHER side of Antarctica and cruising home. Another BS account /claim of the round earth er who want to live in la-la make-believe land.
Simp Simpson, 1 month ago
His flight path shows a flight that could also be done on a flat earth model it requires a pure longitudinal journey from nth pole “straight ” down over the sth pole and straight back up..This has never been done
justame smith, 4 months ago
I understand there’s an Antarctic treaty signed by a bunch of the big nations. been around for a long time. There are vids about people being murdered for trying to get to Antarctica without first getting all the environmental impact statements, permissions, etc. I’d like to see all the paperwork from these people claiming to have done a complete north/south circumnavigation.
if it was possible, i think , it’d been done more than once. especially with all the controversy. 80’s?
Robert j, 6 months ago
look at the flight map…… he flew from east to west …. he did not fly south to north ….. flat earth theory still stands … that you can not fly south to north over the south pole
The truth shall set you free, 6 months ago
How many flat horizons does it take to make a sphere?
Dom Dukes, 6 months ago
You’re claiming he flew for 5 weeks over Antarctica and Dick Smith and Charles said so…. hmmmm…. 5 weeks using a plane. Ok so there was obviously some sight seeing and recreational flying going on because it obviously doesn’t take 5 weeks to fly a few thousand miles. Ummmmmm, with a name like Dick Smith and claiming he was flying over Antarctica for 5 weeks, it’s obvious that he spent 4 weeks 6 days and 10 hours grounded and Charlesed his Dickenson…. So you’re obviously trolling because anyone over 5 years old knows that it wouldn’t take longer than a day to fly over the “continent” Antarctica even in the slowest plane. So Dick decided he’s going to be the first Dick to Circumcision the earth, I mean circumnavigate the earth and he decides to take his time and extend his one day trip to 5 weeks. After all, it’s not like anyone else is going to circumnavigate earth north and south before he will, so he decided to stop and enjoy the beautiful weather. All anyone has to do is question this and the ridiculousness immediately becomes obvious. Unfortunately, many people today don’t need evidence they just need the Dick to say he went north and cummed back from the south and it’s fact because dick said so. No need for witnesses or a flight tracker when they broke that world record and why question why it would take 5 weeks right? Dick is straight up and he’s got a hard head so he won’t flex away from the truth. That’s all folks, he did he did he did and tha tha tha tha tha…. that’s all folks!!!
justame smith, 4 months ago
Dom Dukes, it’s a good thing there were plenty of food and gas depots there. Put there by people who traversed the Antarctic before him.
Dom Dukes, 4 months ago
justame smith, I know right.. lol. People believe anything now days. Humanity has effectively dumbed down. Back in ancient times, ignorance was considered the worst sin. Humanity has been so dumbed down that people now believe that “ignorance is bliss” and what better way to control the population?
jimygod, 6 months ago
Woo a book and you heard it on the news must be true so. Thanks for your knowledge.
todd peachey, 8 months ago
You will find deceit at the end of every Trail. in order to maintain the deceit they have to cover their bases. the CIA wrote three of the books about the Kennedy assassination adding mud to the waters. The CIA killed him I assumed you were aware of that. If you research north to south circumnavigation races they go back and forth on the same side of the globe they are only require to touch the pole. You will be surprised if you continue your investigation and relinquish The Habit to run with the first thing that proves your point. You’ll be surprised the percentage of times you find a known Freemason at every dead end. You will learn far more if you try to prove the Flat Earth. You already know what you think about the globe. Are you trying to find the truth or are you trying to prove something to yourself. All the flat-earthers went to school too bro .we all know more about the globe than you do because we look at both sides trying to figure out what’s going on. You can always take a look at the food we are eating in America to explain why millions of people have suddenly gone mad and abandoned the idea that they live on a spinning ball flying through space at 450,000 miles per hour while orbiting at 67000 miles per hour. Maybe they thought it was strange that even with the moon pulling on the ocean and all that spinning trying to throw the water off as well held fast in the only place in the Galaxy where water curves .I wonder if they thought maybe it was pretty suspicious science that claims gravity would hold in the oceans incalculable amount of weight and still allow butterflies to float gently above the surface without ripping their wings off. If you visualize the pulling of gravity as pushing because it would be the same it would explain why skyscrapers can remain on the earth upside down as well as what happened to your brain. my guess is you wouldn’t be able to stand up or lift your chest to take a breath of air. and my guess would be right. The reason why flat earthers walk away from some round earth conversations is not because we haven’t done the research. It is because we have. We hear things like …what you can’t believe in the math. We use the math to determine that you can see the Chicago skyline from 60 miles away even though you should not. There are hundreds of pictures of the Chicago skyline taken on hundreds of different days. You will not have to look hard to find your bail out ,a reporter that insisted to everyone it was a mirage. You can see the Statue of Liberty further away than you are supposed to . I can make a list a mile long of the lighthouses you would not be able to see .you could do some serious research to find out that a grand Mirage flips the image upside upside-down. You could investigate to find out that all of the mainstream media was purchased by the mob decades ago .when they realized they could use the media to fool people just like you . You could grab a fake picture of space if you want to cling to your round Earth fantasy or you could Google the Apollo Astronauts faking the very first picture of the Earth from space. You could watch the conference held when the astronauts returned and make all kinds of excuses for why none of them wanted to talk. why they found it very difficult to say things like” when we left the Earth’s atmosphere” that was a two pause effort Neil barely choked out. You could wonder why he refused interviews for his entire life. maybe he just wasn’t proud of his accomplishment or maybe he was a little bit shy. You might question why the astronauts were not fighting over each other to be the first one to tell about some of their Amazing Adventure but instead they all looked like they were sick ,very sick. You might wonder or start to question why 3 circumnavigations below the equator all logged over 60,000 miles and then you might ask yourself yeah why can’t I fly over the South Pole if I want to. It might seem curious that 53 countries are part of the Antarctic treaty and look around to see how many times that’s ever happened without violation. You could ask yourself why flat earthers find it hard to imagine rain falling from the sky running down the mountains finding every possible spot to lay out flat unless it gets lucky enough to reach the ocean where it curves around a ball clinging upside down and feeling like the most magic molecule on the planet. I guess maybe it’s a Miracle of salt that we don’t know about. You might find it strange that the ISS is made of materials that survive in up to 2000 degrees Celsius when the two to 196 aluminum it’s made of melts at 543 degrees Celsius. Oh that’s right it’s wrapped in Kevlar. Wait a second I continued on my research and found that Kevlar starts decomposing at 450 degrees Celsius? maybe they should take it of? Man I wonder how they get that live feed of the Earth in which the background is spinning at the same rate as the foreground and makes it look like a cartoon. It’s funny how they yanked it down and spent a few weeks fixing it when it was pointed out by flat-earthers that weren’t born yesterday did not fall off a turnip truck or bump their heads. Isn’t it funny how flat earthers did not stop there and found photos of Earth from NASA,s own Library that were fake. Of course they all are but with all that money we thought they might be difficult to spot . We were willing to spend trillions of dollars to accomplish this until Larry said just throw them on Photoshop and change the contrast. That was a cheap date to find out the Earth was cut and pasted, way to go Larry. You might think it’s funnier than heck that NASA now claims they don’t have the technology to go to the Moon. They once did but they destroyed that technology. It’s only a little bit odd that they lost all the tapes of the mission period every single tape thousands of reels of footage gone and nobody knows where it is. You might have taken pause when last Augusts solar eclipse performed the impossible task of casting a west to east shadow. You may have taken notice when we went to Alex Young at the Goddard Space Academy to explain the phenomenon and he lied with a just as impossible excuse. The moon never catches up with the Earth spin. The shadow is impossible however you can bail out since it travels at 2200 miles per hour and the Earth only spins at a thousand miles per hour and you can believe Alex or take his word. Or you could stop to consider that although the moon does travel faster than the earth spins it has so far to travel that it never catches up with the Earth’s spin therefore It can never get in between the sun in a way that would cast a West to East shadow. You could bail out at the next video where they hope you won’t notice they have spun the Earth backwards. The one I like best is when they move the sun to explain it. That’s just a hoot …willing to tear apart the center of their Universe to try and explain something that can’t be explained and hope we won’t notice. You may not be aware of it bro but this is serious business. If you are just fooling around to make yourself feel smart or feel smarter than us poor flat-earthers. if you think that you are going to come up with the magical piece of evidence that stops the flat-earth truth-seeking and make world news you would be wrong. What you are going to do is add more confusion to the search for the truth and when the Illuminati bust in your door to take you to a FEMA camp because not enough people woke up in time to save ourselves. Be sure you look up a few flat earthers and tell them all about your good work.
Kel Duck, 7 months ago
Well I gave up reading this crap after the first 2 lines. Cant work out what Kennedy had to do with an Aussie circumnavigating the globe.
Tony in Tasmania, 3 months ago
At first I thought your comment was too long to read Todd. However I did read it through & found it very interesting
Andy Murr, 2 months ago
Yeah and he did not fly over Antarctica from one side to the other. Just flew to different points. Do people know what circumnavigation means. Try flying over Antarctica from say Australia to South America. Then you have a case.
Wolfie6020 Wolfie6020, 2 months ago
+Andy Murr Wrong again Andy. He left Australia to the Antarctic and departed the Antarctic to South America. Yes I have personally circumnavigated the Earth more than a dozen times – how many times have you done it Andy? Be honest… Zero? Do you know how to research? Clearly not.
Andy Murr, 2 months ago
Wolfie6020, wow stop talking s@#$ dude you’re clearly wrong. And you haven’t circumnavigated s@#$ dude. What I said was clearly right. Have you even read the book. Like I said. Do you know what circumnavigation means? 😂 😂 😂 and even based on your video. The flight paths clearly shows he didn’t fly over the Antarctica from one side to the other.
family forever, 8 months ago
no video footage as usual its 2018 now this is becoming a joke time will not wait for you guys this flight has to happen now no rockets just a simple flight around the ball recorded live if you cant show that then DO NOT SHOW THIS BOOK AS PROOF you take us for fools by posting this
Kel Duck, 7 months ago
You are an imbecile
family forever, 7 months ago
Kel Duck, but you came to watch the same video why??
Kel Duck, 7 months
To see what Wolfie has to say about Dick Smith, not to watch pretty moving pictures.
Darren Hughes, 5 months ago
he did it in 1980 .The fact he went from Australia to Chile via Antarctica then up the coast of sth america alone disproves FE to then add a lap around the nth pole is icing.
Stan Stevens 6 months ago
shmick 1 year ago
@38:34 on Nathan oakleys latest video, have a look what the Blob from globebusters has to say about debunking you…
Lowcuetus 9 months ago
No video, no difigal proof, just his photos and his word.
cob1965 1 year ago
A great looking book.
Awake Souls 1 year ago
Have you seen my new video Part 6.4? I’d love to hear your rebuttal here on your channel. Not mine. I’m not allowing ball earth comments on mine.
Wolfie6020 Wolfie6020 1 year ago
Hi Jason, I will take a look in the next few days. We had a death in the family recently so I am tied up making arrangements..
Simon Green 1 year ago
Awake Souls do you mind if I ask why you do not allow comments on your channel from folk that hold a different view or opinion on the subject?
Keigh See 1 year ago
Wolfie6020 Why would you bother to discuss anything with someone who blatantly says he won’t allow a dissenting opinion on his own channel?
Wolfie6020 Wolfie6020 1 year ago
+Keigh See I do wonder why Jason blocks people – the truth should not fear any scrutiny. Nobody gets blocked on my channel for having a different opinion.
Simon Green 1 year ago
+Wolfie6020 yup, its why I keep telling fe folk one of the things that helps make trye sci/research so robust is peer review. Its almost demanded. In pseudoscience it doesn’t really exist at all.
Awake Souls 1 year ago
Wolfie6020 When you KNOW a certain thing is true of false it makes no sense to let others that believe the untrue thing to make comments in support of the untrue thing if your goal is to make the truth known to everyone. If you knew that pedophilia was wrong, and you were strongly against it, and trying to expose it, would you allow pedophiles to post pictures of them engaged in underage sex or comments in support of it on your channel? The average person has a very weak mind. They go for what ever the groupthink is. So in my case if a bunch of commentators are saying that the earth is a spinning ball, I am concerned that they may not do their own research and succumb to group think.
Awake Souls 1 year ago
Wolfie6020 I am only concerned with the TRUTH. If I am on a wrong track, a person from the opposing position is most likely to show me where I made a mistake.
Keigh See 1 year ago
Wolfie6020 I was blocked very quickly on Jason’s channel for advocating for the Pythagorean theorem. I have a degree in mathematics and teach the Pythagorean theorem every year to 14 year olds who are far more able to build an accurate 3-4-5 triangle than someone who professes to be a builder. I am of the opinion that Jason knows what he says is garbage and he doesn’t allow dissenting opinions because he is afraid it will drive away viewers. The only people I would even consider blocking on my own channel would be ones only serve to muddy the waters by name calling and using profanity without offering any reasons or evidence to back up their conclusions. Jason very clearly stated under his Pythagorean theorem video that he would allow no one to defend math. He claims someone with a dissenting opinion will correct him if he is on the wrong path, but he blocks anyone who doesn’t agree with him. Is that not inherently contradictory? If he wants your opinion on his video, he should allow you to give it under that video.
Awake Souls 1 year ago
+Keigh See Your not out of the woods yet. I will be circling around to my audience that is growing at 1600% to the math topic. Pythagorus was a satanic occultist. He had his student drowned that discovered the flaw in his mathematics and I know what that flaw is. It is actually not that hard to figure out if anybody ever decided to question what they had been programmed to believe. I can see through you +Keigh See. You are a “right hand man to the devil”, and I will prove it with your beloved mathematics. Repent now, or the promises of the bible will be upon you.
Soundly 1 year ago
I have a video that shows awake souls lying straight faced, however what he does is clearly deceptive and apparently intentional. please have a watch everyone.
Simon Green 1 year ago
+Keigh See he’s a nut job that had had to change take with his videos because he knew fe was falling to bits. He he just selling fantasy rubnish to disillusioned mugs.
AstroRex 1 year ago
There’s definitely something wrong with your brain.
Requiem4aDr3Am 1 year ago
Yeah Awake Souls doesn’t give two s@#$s about the truth he only wants the truth as he sees it. If you provide evidence to prove him wrong well of course you follow satan or are a freemason or a jesuit or something else. You also get blocked from his channel as he pats himself on the back congratulating himself for his dishonesty. I looked at the title of the video he wants Wolfie to look at and just rolled my eyes. Won’t even give him a view at this point if he can’t handle constructive criticism or accept evidence then why should anyone ever bother looking at his videos? Just starve his troll channel to death and deprive it of views.
Boaty Mc Boatface 1 year ago
Awake Souls f@#$ tard
Awake Souls 1 year ago
+Requiem4aDr3Am Wow. Something that is physically observable for everyone on earth… and you will not even take a look at it. Plus many, many words discouraging even looking at it. I see who your are….
Soundly 1 year ago
+Awake Souls you are lying to people on purpose. “I see who your (sic) are”
Boaty Mc Boatface 1 year ago
+Awake Souls wouldn’t watch your crap if you paid me! You obviously a Flatearther! Solar filter, good camera, correct exposure settings, no digital zoom, half hourly photos of Sun, collate data, Sol never changes in angular size , EVER! Poof flatearth done and dusted!😀 Observations anyone can make, thanks for playing!next!
Soundly 1 year ago
+Boaty Mc Boatface exactly
Awake Souls 1 year ago
+AtheistRex If your comment was meant for me, I laugh. Your user name is ATHEIST Rex. There is nothing dumber than someone that thinks that all that IS, happened by accident. Nothing became something. lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,lol You made my day!!!! hahahahahahaha
Soundly 1 year ago
|+Awake Souls if a commercial jet liner was to fly under the noon sun then how long would it take for it to fly from one side of the sun to the other?
Requiem4aDr3Am 1 year ago
+Awake Souls Hey hypocrit you just admitted to not permitting any globe earthers even post on your videos so why in the hell would I even bother to watch your video? I’m not giving you a view. You are so obviously transparent with your fraud here. The easiest way to get rid of intellectually dishonest s@#$bags like yourself is to starve you by denying you views. So sit there and starve since you are completely incapable of intelligent rebuttal against the simple evidence that shows we live on a globe.
Boaty Mc Boatface 1 year ago
+Awake Souls wasn’t an accident! Damn how stupid ARE you, that does not mean there was an “intelligent” design involved! Incredulity through ignorance is not an excuse!
Requiem4aDr3Am 1 year ago
+Soundly uh oh careful you know that math is of the devil! He is going to call you a satanist, deny everything, and deflect away.
Boaty Mc Boatface 1 year ago
+Requiem4aDr3Am his channel is an echo chamber!
Boaty Mc Boatface 1 year ago
+Requiem4aDr3Am that’s all they do! Seen CoolHardLogic latest up load? Well worth a look! Lol
Soundly 1 year ago
+Requiem4aDr3Am hell in that case we can’t even trust our car’s speedometer!
Requiem4aDr3Am 1 year ago
+Boaty Mc Boatface hehe
Boaty Mc Boatface 1 year ago
+Soundly I never trust mine , I’m sure I’m not doing 120 in a 100 zone lol
Requiem4aDr3Am 1 year ago
+Soundly yeah confirmed speedometers are from the devil only satanists believe in them:P
Requiem4aDr3Am 1 year ago
+Soundly /watch?v=bxLnT5TJjow
Awake Souls 1 year ago
+Boaty Mc Boatface I’m looking around at the comments here and your comment makes me laugh. Did I just stumble into a circle jerk?
Requiem4aDr3Am 1 year ago
+Awake Souls you are one pathetic flat earther troll that is for sure. Hope you enjoy starving to death from no views maybe you should switch your channel to a nibiru fear porn channel that seems to be popular.
Boaty Mc Boatface 1 year ago
+Awake Souls don’t like facts ae? Typical Flatearther!
Requiem4aDr3Am 1 year ago
+Boaty Mc Boatface heh I think this is exactly what he is looking for. I think out of respect for Wolfie and his channel I’m just not going to bother replying to this Awake Souls clown anymore. Time to put him on the block list since he likes to block people from his channel.
Boaty Mc Boatface 1 year ago
+Awake Souls hey Nibiru Planet X is heading this way, why don’t you and the rest of your delusional friends hitch a ride and f#@$ off 😀
Awake Souls 1 year ago
+Boaty Mc Boatface Facts…Facts… That is what my video that I want Wolfie to watch is about. It has and FACTS. But no… don’t watch it. Wouldn’t want to run up my view count on a channel that is not monetized. Because that would somehow do something….
Awake Souls 1 year ago
+Boaty Mc Boatface hahaha. A “PLANET” is coming. Good one.
Soundly 1 year ago
+Awake Souls you are simply wrong. The conventional model, used by free software like stellarium, predicts the exact location of the moon into the extreme future.
Boaty Mc Boatface 1 year ago
+Awake Souls lmao , you a Bible thumping flatard, just thought you would of bought in to the whole nibiru bulls@#$! Lmao
Boaty Mc Boatface 1 year ago
+Soundly I’m sure can even be used to see past locations of planets and constellations as well. Just about to buy the pro version. Can’t wait!
Awake Souls 1 year ago
+Soundly You have not watched my video. It has nothing to do with “predictions”. It has to do with what it is doing RIGHT NOW AND IS OBSERVABLE. Just a quick look at that alone is enough to dubunk the ball earth model and the popular FE model.
Soundly 1 year ago
+Awake Souls It’s all about predictions and how they relate to reality. That’s the only way to judge the correctness of a model. In the case of the conventional model it’s predictions are observered in reality. In the case of the FE model it’s predictions are repeatedly falsified. The truthiness of knowledge is measured by its practical application.
Awake Souls 1 year ago
+Soundly If you know how something works, but want to deceive people, it is easy to make a fake model based off of your correct knowledge. Then all you have to do is say “I can predict something, so it must be true.” Terrible logic. The best way to build a model is to look at the observable evidence and model that evidence. If the model continues to remain true to the observable evidence it is a correct model. If something is observed that does not fit the current model, adjust the model to fit the current evidence. Eventually the model will be correct. Assuming that a model is correct because someone was able to predict something is a terrible approach. You have no idea whether or not the person that made the prediction has been honest about the presented model. Only that they made a correct prediction. I can not tell you how many deceitful people have used the “I made a correct prediction approach”. It seems to be one of satan’s favorite tricks.
Soundly 1 year ago
+Awake Souls you clearly don’t understand the words model and prediction. Nor do you understand that the approach I outlined is why you have the technology that allows you to send your next message. It’s because the conventional model can predict things that we have technology. The correctness of knowledge is measured by its successful application in the real world. You unknowingly hold this as an axiom, else you wouldn’t stop for red lights.
Awake Souls 1 year ago
+Soundly I do understand the word model and prediction. I make 3D models and use them in my videos to demonstrate how things work. And I make a prediction that you will never watch my videos. And because my models are correct and my predictions are correct, I have the ability to type this message to you wherever you are, based on your logic 😉
Keigh See 1 year ago
+Awake Souls “Pythagorus was a satanic occultist. He had his student drowned that discovered the flaw in his mathematics and I know what that flaw is.” Pythagorus could have been the devil himself and it doesn’t change the fact that his theories work. I’ve demonstrated it multiple times a year for 20 years and had my students create and measure right triangles to verify it themselves and they all do a better job than you do! My brother programs machines to make precision cuts and has used pythagorean theorem in his programming, getting much more precise measurements than your angle iron demonstration could ever hope. It works and you know it because you even had to cheat in your angle iron demonstration. You went so far as to throw off the right angle in your own triangle, opening one vertex so that it wasn’t even a triangle anymore. “It is actually not that hard to figure out if anybody ever decided to question what they had been programmed to believe.” It’s really funny that you try to bring up the incident with the student of Pythagorus. As the story goes, Pythagorus didn’t believe that irrational numbers existed and that all numbers could be written in a fractional form. You have stated yourself that these numbers don’t exist, which puts your belief on par with that of the Pythagorus. The student came to the realization that irrational numbers do exist and Pythagorus had him drowned. Funny thing is, it’s the integers that are probably the real “imaginary” numbers where measurement is concerned. Can you cut something and be sure that it is EXACTLY 4 ft? Are you sure? Are you absolutely positive that you could say beyond a shadow of a doubt that it doesn’t go a couple of molecules past 4 ft? Of course a measurement is only as good as the precision of the instrument we use to measure. “I can see through you +Keigh See. You are a “right hand man to the devil”, and I will prove it with your beloved mathematics. Repent now, or the promises of the bible will be upon you.” Beloved mathematics? Pffft… I don’t hold any idea or concept to that level of esteem. The nice thing about mathematics is that it works whether idiots like you understand it or not. It’s a tool. A tool that has unlocked the technology you are using currently to denounce it.
Soundly 1 year ago
+Awake Souls I know I hit a nerve when you are intentionally thick. You have yet to falsify the conventional model, make blatant grade school math errors, and arrogantly stride forward with your snake tongue selling nonsense to the gullible masses. If I were you I’d be afraid for my soul. I can’t imagine any God being happy with your blatant deception.
Awake Souls 1 year ago
+Soundly If I had said, what you just said, to you…. then it would be correct.
Soundly 1 year ago
+Awake Souls wrong. I make every effort to understand reality and model my beliefs on the empirical evidence. You have a delusional belief and attempt to mold reality to fit your bias despite the empirical evidence to the contrary. Case in point. How long does it take a commercial airliner to fly from one side of the sun to the other? Answer this simple question. Case in point 2: have you watched the deductive proofs of the Pathagorean Theorem?