76. A flat bed truck arrives

Thursday 30 August 2007

Well, another disaster.  The truck arrived after driving 200 kilometres from Almaty.  It looked ideal.  It was a special flat bed design that dropped down on hydraulics.  We winched the Earthroamer up, no problems, but the hydraulics were not powerful enough to lift the truck back up to its normal position.  Even though we had discussed that the Earthroamer weighs 7 tonnes, it looked as if an error had been made by the trucking company and their car carrier would not lift 7 tonnes.

Our failed attempt to load the Earthroamer

So here we are, still stranded on the road beside the truck stop.  We are hoping that tomorrow morning we might be able to organise a low loader to take our vehicle back to Almaty.

Friendly young Kazakh boy waved to us from a bus window

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